Monday, March 23, 2009

Despite another round of colds, these last weeks have been full of people and fun events. I like to categorize so...
#1. The Rod Run- My relatives Hoppy and Sharon came to town and we spent a fun afternoon with them at the annual "cool" car show in Temecula. The boys loved it as you can see. Here's a picture of Hoppy and Sharon stayin young!
#2. The Tennis Tourney- Cameron and Matt haggled for some great seats at the Indian Wells Tennis Tournament in Palm Springs where they got to watch some of the top tennis stars battle it out.
#3. Spring Planting- The boys had a blast as we played in the dirt practically all last weekend renovating our front planter and planting a small but satisfying vegtable garden in our back yard.
#4. Open Mic Night - Cameron brought a "spoken word" (a combination of a rap and a poem) to the young adult open mic night.. enjoy :)


Ruth (the blogger) said...

the first pic of cam and the boys is SO CUTE!!! josiah is a coll dude. :) and you're looking lovely as always jenelle! cam's rapping skills are very impressive. keep the updates coming!!!
love you! ruth :)

Ruth (the blogger) said...

i meant 'cool dude', not 'coll dude' ha ha! :)

Anonymous said...

Love all the great poses by the kids! :p

The yard is looking great, btw!

I will have to listen to Cam's "spoken word" when I have sound.


kristin said...

Thanks for the update...I check often! So cool to see Cameron minister in ways his kids can understand. I'm sure the church appreciates Cameron making these efforts. He did a great job! So cool!