Friday, November 2, 2007

October- Fest!!

We have had a very busy and a very fun past couple of weeks. As you can see the boys got decked out for a harvestfest that our Church (read Cameron) organized. It was the first major event that Cameron was in charge of and it went spectacularly. It's hard to see much in the picture below, but there were games, jolly jumps, cotton candy, hotdogs, a rock climbing wall, a talent showcase (which Cameron's uncle and I won second place in!!!!), pony rides and a petting zoo!!!! All for Free!!! It was the best Halloween evening I have ever had.
And for all you Bob the Builder fans, or Bob the Lemons fans..... here's a little treat- Grandpa Lemons in rare form decked out as Bob the Builder:

Bebe (as Josiah likes to call him) helped out at our harvestfeast troubleshooting all of our electrical and lighting issues. We couldn't have done it without you Dad! Thanks!

We also enjoyed a fun night of pumpkin carving at our
neighbor John and Melina's house. The four of us tried to win the pumpkin carving contest at our church but alas, a middle schooler with better marketing abilities than all four of us put together took the cake, but here's a peek at what they turned out like: (Cameron carved the Lion and I carved the Racoon but I used a pattern :)
And Last, but certainly not least... a dear friend of mine, Kimberly Catlin from MA, was able to come and visit!!!! She and her mother Cheryl made the trek down here and helped celebrate Cameron's birthday with some Chinese food and a rowdy game of Hoopla (a new favorite). Thanks for driving down Kimberly!

Thank you all for your comments and love! For all of you who requested, we will be sending you copies of Cameron's sermon soon!


Mr. Lemons said...

I'm missing all the good stuff!
Not fair!

Krista said...

Hey you Lemons! I love reading your blog...I do check it weekly, though I am bad at writing comments. We miss you guys, and are glad to have stayed in touch the bit we have. Jenelle, it was so nice to chat a few weeks ago. Thank you for your prayers. We would love a copy of Cameron's sermon as well if possible. Love the pumpkins! Very impressive! Let's talk again soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are some pretty impressive pumpkins! I'm so glad to hear that the harvest festival turned out to be such a success and fun for everyone. I know your family had so much going in October, so I hope you have a little down time now. Your kids are adorable in the costumes too :)


Anonymous said...

What a Halloween adventure! Your pumpkins look so good. Everything in California just looks so sunny! We love and miss you guys so much.


tricia said...

forgot to leave you my address for Cam's sermon earlier. Here 'tis;
923 clairemont ave apt 2
decatur, GA 30030

Lovely pumpkin action by the way! My little one is still sitting fully filled on my kichen counter, sad that it missed being carved, yet still hoping to become a yummy pie..
love trish