Sunday, November 25, 2007

Camping... In the DESERT!

Last Weekend the Lemons Family (Cameron, Jenelle, Josiah, Jordan, Bebe, and Dede) went camping in the Anza Borrego Desert. I (jenelle) must admit, I had large reservations about camping in a desert- why not go camping near a lake or in a forest- Can anything good come out of the desert?! I found that the awnser is yes!
We ended up having such a blast- hiking to a hidden oasis, climbing through "the slots", and giving Josiah and Jordan all the time rolling in the dirt they could handle.

We were blessed to have some friends (The Baughman duo), and neighbors join us: Richard and his daughter Ella (ella is above with the boys) and John and Melina below.


dr riptide said...

Fun! You guys all went camping together, even the neighbors?? Mark and I are trying to go camping again soon. I'm looking forward to Cam's sermon whenever it arrives...



Leigh Nottingham and Jeff Sand said...

I had so much fun discovering the joy of the desert some of my last years in San Diego! It is an amazing place. you guys look great! I love that you do so much fun stuff like camping with the kiddos and friends! :)

eric daryl meyer said...


It's good to see little climbers scrambling about. Deserts are beautiful in a way that nothing else is. They have a refreshing simplicity that seems to shy from attention.

Thanks for the news...

Clay and Larissa said...

Wish we could have joined you! Good to get those boys hooked on camping at a young age :)
Jenelle, I saw a girl tonight who looked like you - made me think of/miss you. I miss people more when I'm on my lonesome in DC. Anyway, hope all is well!

Jessica said...

Looks like a beautiful area and I imagine Jordan, Josiah, and the other kids had a blast being out in nature. A friend gave me a book for Christmas called, "Last Child in the Wood--Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder" by Richard Louv that looks pretty interesting. Not that you and Cam have any problems getting your children out to experience the wonders of creation, but I think the book will be interesting to read as an encouragement to find creative ways to interact with our kids in the open spaces. I certainly want to be intentional about getting out as much as possible with Adilyn.

Lova ya,