Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Rains Came

Thank you all who were praying, it has felt like the past few months have been sort of an uphill battle, but in the recent weeks we have felt the Lord working victory on our behalf. We have been so encouraged and are so thankful for all of your support and prayers.

On a lighter note, here are a couple of highlights from the last couple weeks:

1) For My birthday Cameron took me to Coronado for the weekend... the first overnight getaway without kids in three years- Praise God, and thank you mom and dad!!!
Also, we were able to get to see Tim Dunbar (a pastor for Scum of the Earth Church) as he was in San Diego that same weekend for a conference. It was so refreshing to get to meet with you Tim, and thanks for finding Spiros Gyros!!

2) Our church had a really wonderful service honoring Martin Luther King Jr. It was a beautiful time of story telling and music where racial reconcialiation was the theme of the hour. Here's a snipit of the worship:

3) My parents came down from Ventura to spend the weekend with me while Cameron was up in Seattle visiting Jon Annett (which was fabulous like fresh avacado) . My parents watched the boys while I went to a movie that our church played and when I came back...everyone was knocked out:

4) Lastly, we have had a lot of rain recently and so this desert town is BEAUTIFUL! It has been so green and we have been trying to take advantage of it, going on walks as much as possible. Soon summer will kick in and it will look like the wasteland once again, but for now we get out the ole jogger stroller and push the kids around... or as it so happens- they push the stroller around:


kristin said...

Great update! I was waiting for one! I loved all the random things you shared. Thanks for writing! We should catch up again soon. I miss hearing your voice!

Love you!

kristin said...

Thanks for your note on my most recent post. The camera is a new camera Scott got me for my birthday in January! I'm really enjoying using it!

kristin said...

Hope you guys had a great Easter! Love you lots!

Ruth (the blogger) said...

thank you so much for your call the other day!!! it was sooooo nice to hear from you. i miss my girls so much. i will certainly remember you in my prayers, and appreciate your prayers on our behalf. God is good!!! love you!

Anonymous said...

We think of you often. LOVE YOU FOUR! -Jill Baker